Monday, April 4, 2011

Living with Intention

Happy Monday!  How do you feel when you get out of bed on a Monday morning?  Do you dread the day, the week ahead of you?  Or do you look forward to what lies ahead? Most of us are probably somewhere in the middle...One thing that is really important to me, and I believe is critical in my spiritual growth, is having proper perspective and living with intention.  Our pastor once said that when you live life just letting it happen, without intention, you will end up in a place you never meant to be.  I believe that's true. We can't just let life happen; we can live a life of fruitfulness and obedience.  So, how will you live with intention this week?  Here are my goals for the week:  compliment my husband every day this week (this is his love language and an area I don't do so well in sometimes); say "yes" to opportunities to serve others when it's possible (I already have one request to babysit this week); make an effort to bless those I come into contact with this week (with a smile, with a kind word, with an act of kindness).  I want to be open to how God wants to use me this week and see opportunities to be faithful. 

Adam (my husband) asked me yesterday on our date what I wanted my tombstone to say.  Funny question, huh?  You'd have to know my husband to know this is right up his alley. As he was rattling off quite a lengthy answer about his tombstone, my answer just came to me.  Here is what I said:  "A life lived well - loving God and loving others".  I know it's simple, but is there anything else that really matters?  I want my life to make a difference by pointing others to Jesus.  You'd be amazed at how little acts of kindness make a world of difference in the lives others.  What are your goals for the week?

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