Friday, April 15, 2011

How to build a strong marriage

I'm a therapist, so I know the importance of regular date nights for married couples.  My husband and I have done a fairly good job of weekly date nights throughout our marriage, especially focusing on those dates after our daughter Emerson was born 4 years ago.  Thankfully, I have great parents who live nearby and volunteer to watch Emerson for us most Friday nights so Adam and I can have some time together.  It's amazing what a couple of hours each week will do to refresh and reconnect a couple. 

Tonight, since we have spent all of our money on our recent IVF costs, Adam and I made dinner together - hamburgers and homeade french fries.  They were yummy!  Then we went to Orange Leaf for some frozen yogurt.  Afterwards, we came back home and started a fire in the fireplace (it's really windy and cold here tonight).  Simple times of connecting and enjoying life together - that's how you build a strong marriage. 

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